Sophia Xie, the Director of the American Homestay Services (AHS), visited all of the students, host families, and school partners in the San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco areas during October 2017. This highly packed trip was designed to close the gap between AHS, the school partners, host families, and the students by experiencing their daily living environment, as well as introducing the AHS vision and expectations to all partners. This trip served as a chance to acknowledge our appreciation of the host families that are providing extraordinary care to our AHS students.此行增强了AHS和加州当地各高中的更进一步了解和合作,与学校一同分享了在读学生的学习、课外活动、融入适应等情况。更重要的是,在结合学校建议和学生想法后,为学生制定了下一步的培养计划。A face to face meeting is highly valued by our school partners. Sophia visited multiple schools that our AHS students are attending, toured campuses, and exchanged our expectations with the school partners, as well as learned from them, creating meaningful dialogue and expectations to support our AHS students. These meetings greatly improved our mutual understandings about the international students’ cultural and academic adaptations and how we can better plan and guide our AHS students and their families.本次参观访问的寄宿家庭环境优美、社区安全、交通方便,学生居住的房间干净整洁。住家们非常积极热情,对学生更是友爱关怀,照顾有加。Sophia老师的到访也拉进了住家和AHS的关系,使双方对彼此的情况有了更深入的了解。Sophia老师和住家也就学生之后的生活起居、学习督促等达成一致共识,共同为学生优良的寄宿环境而努力。Sophia also visited our local host families and was invited to have dinner with them in their welcoming homes. Her takeaway from all these meetings: our host families are very hospitable and take very good care of our students.在和学生的交流中,Sophia老师认真地聆听了学生的反馈,了解学生们目前的需求和对服务的反馈。学生们对老师的到来感到亲切,Sophia老师也很高兴看到学生们都能保持积极向上的学习态度,也很欣慰的发现,新入学的学生们也都很快适应了美国的学习和生活。This trip began a series of trips across the country to meet with all of our students, host families, and partners nationwide. Sophia Xie, together with other senior consultants at the AHS, will deliver our mission and vision to all of our clients and partners, as well as meet with participants in person to ensure that our care and welcome is extended to all who share in the work of AHS.希望学生们在寄宿家庭和学校的生活学习能够一直顺利愉快!