High Bluff Academy 海布拉佛学校 位于风景美丽的圣地亚哥,在一个办公楼的内部。学校规模偏小,但是正所谓麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。
这里有可以容纳十几个学生的教室,也有封闭的单人教室,学生体育课在临近的CLUB进行。周五是艺术课程时间,如影视,音乐;因为学校学生不多,所以每年学校会按照学生的兴趣特点来变动课程安排(这点十分灵活);学校拥有10位全职老师和10位兼职老师;有12-15门AP课程,可进行1对1授课;学校拥有补习班,如果学生需要周末补课,会有额外的收费;如TOFEL, SSAT等的考试辅导;升学方面:UCSD,UCI,Boston College;学校录取不需要TOFEL,更多看国内成绩,面试比重占的比较大;如果学生八月入学,可申请提前三十天来到美国适应新环境;校长非常nice,对学生十分负责,从交谈的话语中,我感到她对学生无论是生活上还是学习上,都尽心尽责。学校拥有15名中国学生,国际学生大多来自越南、德国、日本、中国;今年有10名毕业生,偏向招收10-12年级的学生。学校没有校车,所以homestay必须有车接送的服务。
High Bluff Academy 海布拉佛学校 数据一览表
宗教信仰 | 无 |
排名 | 无 |
建校时间 | 2002 |
提供年级 | 9-12 |
SAT平均分 | 1800 |
在校学校 | 40 |
国际学生 | 20 |
班级人数 | 10 |
师生比 | 1:3 |
国际生学费 | $19,500 (以学校数据为准) |
学校网址 | http://www.highbluffacademy.com/ |
AP课程:物理 C:电与磁,微积分 AB,美国政府与政治,物理 C:机械力学,英语文学与写作,微积分 BC,英语语言与写作,物理 1,统计学,宏观经济学,人文地理等,美国历史,世界历史
HBA被媒体评选为“北郡最好的立学校”; 62% 教师拥有硕士及以上学位; 1:3 超高师生比; SAT 平均分 1810; 15 门 AP 课程; 升学率 100%; 毕业生被美国排名前十的大学录取; 地理位置优越,位于圣地亚哥;
Harvard University 哈佛大学,Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学,University of Chicago 芝加哥大学,Duke University 杜克大学,Northwestern University 西北大学,Washington University in St. Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学,Rice University 莱斯大学,Emory University 埃默里大学
About Us
Established recently in 2012, American Homestay Services is a CSIET (Council on Standards for International Educational Travel) certified educational service provider that offers comprehensive support to international students seeking homestays across the United States. With our headquarters based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and branch offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Beijing, we are ideally situated to welcome students into U.S. schools. AHS strives to ensure that children and adolescents are given an authentic American experience by matching students with one of our registered host families. We aim to create a stress-free experience for our host families by settling all matters of guardianship and managing the bulk of the homestay.
As of the present, our agency has utilized a network of over 1000 host families across the country to successfully serve over two hundred middle and high school age students from abroad. AHS collaborates with over fifty schools in various districts, both public and private, affording students a multitude of choices to suit their individual talents, needs, and educational goals.
Contact Us
Pittsburgh, USA
4620 Henry St. 3rd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA
+ 1 (412) 567-8617
Beijing, China
Finance Fortune tower, Plaza a, suite 1901, 18 Xizhimen Wai st., Xicheng Dist., Beijing, 100044, China
+ 86 (010) 577-92449