Glenelg Country School 格莱内尔格学校 创立于1954年,坐落于马里兰州霍华德郡。学校占地约90多英亩,远离市区,环境优美,具有良好的学习环境。学校距离美国的政治中心华盛顿DC,仅需要大约一个小时的车程。
Glenelg Country School 格莱内尔格学校 数据一览表:
学校类型 | 私立合校 |
宗教信仰 | 无 |
排名 | Niche排名 A+,马里兰地区排名12 |
学校年级 | PK(幼儿园)-12年级 |
SAT平均分 | 1846 |
AP课程 | 共18门AP课程,其中16门AP课程的平均成绩高于3.0。 |
在校学生 | 总共750人,高中部有302人。 |
国际学生 | 28 |
平均班级人数 | 15人 |
师生比 | 1:7 |
录取条件 | 9-12年级需要80分以上的托福成绩,需要面试,择优录取。 |
国际生学费 | $28,700 (以学校数据为准) |
ESL课程 | 无 |
学校网址 | |
格莱内尔格学校 Glenelg Country School 分为低年级部和高年级部两个部分,PK-8年级在一栋楼,9-12年级在另一栋楼里学习。校园风景优美,比邻着一大片树林。休息时间,学生经常会到树林里漫步和学习,放松自己的身心。学校看重每一个学生的在校发展,并为其寻求挑战、机遇和平衡。还为学生设立了高标准和高期望,并且会为学生提供不间断的个人支持。学校的学术氛围浓厚,学生基本上都属于学霸级别的。由于格莱内尔格学校的教学质量很高,所以在这里的大部分学生都是从幼儿园一直读到12年级。学校的招生官还透露说,他自己的两个孩子都是在格莱内尔格学校从幼儿园读到12年级的,由此可见学校的质量之高,不然招生官也不会舍得让自己的两个孩子在这里上学。我在学校走访时,恰逢赶上AP课程考试,考试的氛围非常好,每个考场的门前都贴有保持安静的标识,以确保路过考场的人不会打扰到学生考试。学校的餐厅有很多不同种类的美食,不定期的还会提供不同国家的美食,让学生可以感受全球的饮食文化。
2016年到目前仅半年的时间,格莱内尔格学校的学生就收到名校大学录取通知书100多封。这里的学生100%会进入4 年制大学学习,并且每年都会有很多学生进入常青藤院校,例如:哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、乔治华盛顿大学,约翰霍普金斯大学、卡耐基梅隆大学、波士顿大学,哥伦比亚大学等等。在2015年,学校毕业生平均每人得到大学的奖学金高达$85000。
About American Homestay Services
Established recently in 2012, American Homestay Services is a CSIET (Council on Standards for International Educational Travel) certified educational service provider that offers comprehensive support to international students seeking homestays across the United States. With our headquarters based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and branch offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Beijing, we are ideally situated to welcome students into U.S. schools. AHS strives to ensure that children and adolescents are given an authentic American experience by matching students with one of our registered host families. We aim to create a stress-free experience for our host families by settling all matters of guardianship and managing the bulk of the homestay.
As of the present, our agency has utilized a network of over 1000 host families across the country to successfully serve over two hundred middle and high school age students from abroad. AHS collaborates with over fifty schools in various districts, both public and private, affording students a multitude of choices to suit their individual talents, needs, and educational goals.
In AHS, the safety of students is our first priority. We take pride in helping to create a safe and nurturing environment that allows students to quickly and effectively immerse themselves in American culture. For our hosts, we hope to act as guides; employing professional bilingual coordinators to help families and students better understand each other at every step of the way.
With the cooperation of our partner schools, we provide excellent students with a college-preparatory education of the highest quality. It is our hope that by bringing people together, we may create a rich, diverse, and fulfilling journey for all involved.
Contact Us
4620 henry st, 3rd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA
Finance Fortune tower, Plaza a, suite 1901, 18 Xizhimen Wai st., Xicheng Dist., Beijing, 100044, China
Email: Phone: +1 412-567-8617 (usa)
+86(010)-577-92449 (China)